An enthusiastic, attentive group of 23 UCC students, along with CSS staff members Jorge Rivera and Blanca Rosales, arrived on campus on Saturday February 10th in hopes of changing the world. These students were selected by the UCC Center for Student Success to attend the Healthy Life CHOICES Peer Educator Training facilitated by the National Latina Health Network (NLHN). This comprehensive day long workshop equipped participants with the tools they need to spread the word about HIV/AIDS prevention throughout their campus community.

The workshop helped the cadre of Peer Educators increase their comfort level discussing the sensitive issues relating to HIV/AIDS prevention and education. The training addressed the basics of HIV/AIDS including definitions, modes of transmission, risk reduction techniques and the biology of the virus. It also included an introduction to the Holistic Sexuality Model and an intense discussion on the language of sexuality as well as sexual and gender diversity.


This workshop was just the first step towards achieving an extended objective of full community support and participation in the fight against HIV/AIDS. "The best way to beat something is to know about it, to know what its weakness is, and to get around it," said Valerie Connors a CHOICES Peer Educator and UCC student.

By the end of the session students were confident in their abilities to achieve the CHOICES goals of increasing HIV prevention knowledge and reducing the risk of contracting HIV among college students. "I’m going to spread the word so I can actually change the environment and the world. So that people can know," said Angelica Garcia, CHOICES Peer Educator and UCC student. “I mean if somebody does it [practices safer sex] then that’s a step closer to accomplishment."

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